Scharein has finished his so-called “Corona Cycle”

Video - Scharein stellt seinen "Corona-Zyklus" vor

After two long years of work, Scharein has finished his so-called “Corona Cycle”. A series of extraordinary, very colour-intensive, exciting works have been created around the theme of complementary contrasts. Take a look and see for yourself!

Scharein presents the trilgoy “Macht der Farbe”

Video - Scharein stellt die Trilogie zur "Macht der Farbe" vor

In this short video, Scharein introduces his idea of the trilogy on the “Power of Colour” (german language). In each work he wants to elaborate the various complementary contrasts in a different primary form (rectangle, triangle, circle).
The three works each have identical dimensions: 122 cm high x 244 cm wide.

Scharein about “Bewegte Ruhe” (May 2021)

Video - Scharein über bewegte Ruhe (Mai 2021)

In this video Scharein tells something about the genesis of his multi-part work “Bewegte Ruhe”.
Originally, three individual picture panels were created in 2019. Only over the course of the next few months did the overall composition develop.